Thursday, June 12, 2008

First night in our new temporary home.

Last night we spent our first night in our new temporary home. Fortunately we packed up a lot of random junk for our cross country trip!

Let me give you a few examples:
1) Sheet: used to protect the very awesome pittsburgh panoramic framed photo that Adam gave us for the wedding.

2) Towels: used to protect my servers from rattling around the back seat.

3) Lamp: We now have one halogen desk lamp that lights up he entire master bedroom. It looks very funny but I'm very thankful for it!

4) Mug: We have one single mug that I saved from the trash bin at the last minute. I wrapped it with the final bubble wrap and stuffed it in my NCC lunch box. It is now my favorite mug.

5) Sweatshirts: I protected my printer with the warmth of my Case Med sweat shirt. It was shockingly cold when we got here.

I am currently sitting in the Utah Public Library which is absolutely gorgeous!! Free internet, both wired and wireless, and the people in the coffee shop are very nice. All a must for a good library, or a good coffee shop come to think of it...

Follow-Up from yesterday's post: Iron man was great. One of my favorite Comic Book movies. Did anyone notice how great the AI was? My only question is why was that not soo much cooler than the flying suit?


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We Made It!

Michelle and I officially arrived in Salt Lake City Tuesday Night at 12:30 EST or 10:30 Mountain Time.

We were totally hardcore and drove straight through in only two days!

Here are a few thoughts from the trip (in geographical order):
1) Driving through Chicago wasn't as bad as we expected. The one hour time difference saved us because we ended up driving around down town at 3:30 instead of 4:30, which I expect would have been much worse.

2) The biggest truck stop in the world is in Iowa and, not surprisingly, it was quite large.

3) Storms in Iowa are scary... We drove through a major lightning storm with 3/4 inch hail and lightning striking all around us. It helped us stay awake but very scary.

4) The Omaha Zoo looks like sooooo much fun!! If we weren't such hardcore cross country drivers we would have stopped to play with monkeys.

5) Nebraska is very very very large and there is very very very little to look at.

6) Wyoming was really cool! Not many cities but the mountains were gorgeous!

7) Did you know there is an Abe Lincoln monument in Whyoming? It's a big statue of Lincolns head about 8,000 ft high. Again, we almost stopped. (c;

8) Driving into Salt Lake City at night is gorgeous!

Walky talkies are a must when you are driving with two cars! It was a great trip and we are happy to be here!

Tonight we are going to see Iron Man!!!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Traveling West

Hello everyone!

Michelle and I are just about to make our trip out west. We leave tomorrow (Monday) morning at 7:00am. We are running a bit a behind but finally seem to be making it over the packing hump!!

Unfortunately this means all of my sites will be down for a little while. The internet is schedule to be turned on in our new place on Monday June 16th so if all goes well the sites will back up then. (We tried for this coming Wednesday but that didn't pan out).

Sorry I can't tell everyone more but as you can imagine we are running around like the ever famous chicken.

I'll try to post more messages throughout the next week.

Wish us luck!